Investing Into a Fund
Sometimes having all the cash needed to buy an investment property is not an option or maybe you prefer to diversify your real estate investments. This is where fund syndications come into place. We come across many projects where it’s better to raise capital from multiple sources. In these types of funds, you simply invest into the fund and the fund is managed by our team and management company. The general partner makes the decisions as the asset manager leaving your investment to be automated.

New Offerings to Invest
Our investors have access to our powerful Fund Management Portal where they can view their equity positions, tax forms, reports, distributions and contributions. Additionally, new investment opportunities are served directly to investors through the portal allowing for simple soft commitments and transfer of funds.

Fund Management Services
No matter how big or small the syndication, the general partner will need some management in place to handle the corporate level accounting, investor waterfall distribution, property management and maintenance. General Partners and managers can contract with our companies to service every level of the investment on their behalf.